World Food Plants

The World Food Plants Index

Welcome to what we hope will become a useful online source of information about for all species of plant, fungi and algae used for human food.

Using this site you will be able to quickly and easily locate basic facts about all food plants including the latest selective and relevant online links for each species. Search by latin or vernacular name or by many other species attributes.

Our goal is to make this source comprehensive in species coverage and to keep it up-to-date including the latest recognised standardised changes to Latin names.

The World Food Plants Index is intended as a public service. We want it to be free to access and free of advertisments.

At this stage this site is a proof-of-principle, i.e. to establish whether such an undertaking is feasible.

This introductory page is solely a statement of intent.

We welcome working with other contributors, either individuals or organisations who share our vision and also to hearing from potential users about how this site may meet their needs.

Contact us if you are interested in sponsoring or contributing to this site or to share your ideas about how it can be focussed, relevant to meet your needs.